Saturday, October 10, 2009


Doggone, life has been great and I've had a lot of fun this past year as I felt my tired body struggle with the aging that all of us go through.

I enjoyed my last long vacation with Lisa and Chris, as we went up to Canada; into Montana, and I rode happily in the back of their jeep for over 6,000 miles before we got home.

I cuddled with Lisa and Chris the last night before the vet' came to give me a special 'treat', that would let me get some long and well-deserved rest; would alleviate my pain, and take me to Doggy Heaven where I can now share my recipes with all those wonderful canines who got there ahead of me.

I know Lisa, Chris, and my first owner (Bruce) will be sad I'm no longer with them. I also recently lost one of my best play-mates (Lucy); she lived with Bruce and his wife (Shelby), and we pretty much 'aged' together. Lucy had quite a rough year; she was wobbling around like I was, and the people who cared for us did their best to make our last months as comfortable as they could.

Lucy and I were both loved by so many; Lucy didn't get to write up any of her recipes like I did, but I bet she had some in her head, that would have been almost as good as mine.

I wanted to say good-bye to all of you who've visited this blog. I trust Grandma Diane will add to it now that I'm an angel with huge wings. Learning to fly will now occupy my time as I join 'Lucy-in-the Sky' who has already racked up quite a few miles with her new wings, and I'll leave the chili-cooking to the rest of you. I'm just glad I had enough time to get a good collection of recipes put right here for all of you - they're good, easy, and I hope you think of me when you're enjoying them.

Love, Dexter - departed October 9, 2009.